Friday, September 7, 2012


Found this blog post that was quite thought provoking. It's on the subject of true love... and waiting.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I thought it would be cute and encouraging to chalk verses all over the church parking lot. Thankful for the help Jeana lent, as it was hot and long... but fun and the end result was pretty!

Making a house a home!

Starting to really settle in here, and decided to tear out the carpet in my guest room. Beside the stain and puppy smell that was there when I bought the house, I didn't like the color. Now, the below is my in-between state waiting for real flooring.

I've also decided to redo and make the main part of the house reflect my colorful personality. More changes to come, can't wait for the porch we will be building this week!