Friday, June 22, 2012

The Awe & the Agony

A fitting title for both my recent trip to the Grand Canyon and my experience with my laptop simply dying after 6 good years of together-ness. 

The first photo was taken on the descent into the Grand Canyon on the South Kiabob trail. It was at the first rest stop on the way down, where we could re-fill with water and re-fuel. It was also at this point that I wondered if I was going to die at some point during the next three days. 

This photo was one of triumph, taken from the Bright Angel campground in the very bottom of the canyon. It was such a blessed relief to sit in that cold spring water and realize my dream had somehow come true. 

This photo share the pure joy of the experience, and the friends we made along the way. From the sombrero hat couple who were there to celebrate their anniversary after meeting in the canyon for the first time, to the sisters from Canada who became lovely friends with us, to the couple who proposed here on Plato Point at sunset. Here, friends are doing yoga poses as the sun sets at Plato Point, halfway up the canyon on the Bright Angel Trail.

The third morning of hiking, and it was at this very moment I thought of the verse "I lift mine eyes up to the hills, were does my help come from? My help comes from you, Creator of the earth". And it was here, that I truly realized, I was going to make it out of the canyon. In one piece!

And of course, one must have that triumph picture- you know, the one where you feel so tired it hurts to smile, but you have endless energy because you have just made it to the top! The top of 10,000 ft. of elevation and miles of steps. 

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