Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Painting the Laundry Room

I decided that it was finally time to tackle painting a room in my house. I've lived here 3/4ths of a year and I still have boxes to unpack. I can't decide if it's because I'm too busy, or if it's just not high enough on my priority list. Anyways, back to the painting. I'm a big fan of color but a little leery of color on my walls. So I chose a light buttercream yellow to lighten this small room and I love the outcome!

The first picture is the painting in progress... something which I am completely familiar with but really do not enjoy. The old paint was nice- but grey and didn't help the space at all.

Ta-daa! Painted and organized. The cleanest room in my house currently, to tell you the truth. Now to tackle other rooms. :o


  1. if what is in your boxes is still in your boxes after a year you can safely throw it away because you wont miss it, just sayin
    you have a big house but there is no need to fill it up, I'm kind of do as i say not as i do cause i'm probably one of the biggest pack rat around but we are working on it


    1. I dug through them today and remembered why I didn't mess with them before. They have christmas decorations, books and some of my childhood memories. Yeah, some of the stuff I could definitely do without. Don't want to fill the place up too soon, for sure.
